

CGTN CGTN 2024-07-14

I'm Robert Lawrence Kuhn and here's what I'm watching: APEC 2023 in San Francisco, the 30th annual meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, at a challenging time of economic fragility, geopolitical tensions, and the looming calamity of climate change.  
These multifarious challenges reinforce both APEC's importance and its challenges, given that its 21 member economies on the Pacific Rim have a combined GDP of over 50 trillion U.S. dollars, accounting for more than 60 percent of global GDP. 
Although APEC's founding purpose was to promote free trade throughout the Asia-Pacific region, it is not possible, in today's complex world, to separate international economics from domestic economics and even social concerns. Prime APEC issues this year, in addition to climate change, include: food security, healthcare, anti-corruption, digitalization, women's economic empowerment, and supporting underserved and underrepresented communities.
China has much to contribute because China has real-world-tested experience. Food security: China is reclaiming agricultural land which had been converted to industrial usage. Healthcare: the pandemic accelerated China's healthcare reform. Anti-corruption: China's relentless anti-corruption campaign affects all sectors and levels. Digitalization: China is a world-leader, especially in mobile payments. Women's economic empowerment: China has many female entrepreneurs. Underserved groups: China has set the world standard for extreme poverty alleviation and now focuses on common prosperity. 
Nor can APEC avoid global geopolitics. Issues of sovereignty and territorial integrity — the always emotional issues of borders and maritime demarcations — lurk beneath surface pleasantries. 
In the region, issues in the South China Sea, the East China Sea, and of course Taiwan predominate. But APEC can not escape global conflicts, especially Russia's ongoing war against Ukraine and Hamas' recent horrific attacks on Israel and Israel's unremitting counterattack. These tragedies affect the entire international community.
Grounded in the three priorities of interconnection, innovation and inclusion, the theme of 2023 APEC is "Creating a Resilient  and Sustainable Future for All" , which resonates with President Xi Jinping's call for "a global community of a shared future." While I doubt this theme is meant to carry a double meaning, that's the way I can read it: First, economic development that is resilient and sustainable, which the world needs to combat climate change; and second, APEC itself as an organization, with its challenges and internal divisions, as resilient and sustainable. APEC is an important forum for multilateral cooperation, all the more so given the multiple tensions and challenges that keep us awake at night.
I'm keeping watch. 
I'm Robert Lawrence Kuhn.
观察家|“一带一路”: 推动科技创新之路


