
活动延期通知 | IEEE声学、语音与信号处理国际会议ICASSP 2022中国分会场


Announcement: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2022 China Satellite in Shenzhen will be postponed.


中国分会场 · 香港中文大学(深圳)

China Satellite · Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)

ICASSP 2022 China Satellite



受新冠肺炎疫情影响,原计划于2022年5月22至27日在中国深圳香港中文大学(深圳)举办的ICASSP 2022中国分会场线下会议将延期。ICASSP 2022线上会议和新加坡会场的会议仍将在5月7至13日和5月22至27日如期举行。

中国分会场组委会将密切关注疫情的最新形势,寻找合适的时间举办活动。已注册参加深圳分会场活动的嘉宾、参会代表及参展机构,将收到电邮通知和具体安排。中国分会场新的举办会议日期确定之后,ICASSP 2022组委会将以ICASSP 2022公众号和邮件的形式通知大家,届时也将重新启动注册系统。数据科学学院公众号也将第一时间发布ICASSP 2022中国分会场的最新安排。

因会议延期给您带来的诸多不便,组委会深表歉意,并诚挚感谢大家对ICASSP 2022的支持!

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are sorry to inform you that the scheduled ICASSP in-person conference in Shenzhen, China has to be postponed. While the ICASSP 2022 virtual conference and the in-person conference in Singapore are convened as scheduled from May 7 to 13 and May 22 to 27, respectively.

China Satellite Organizing Committee will closely monitor the current epidemic situation and find a suitable time to hold the event in Shenzhen. All participations who have registered for the in-person conference in Shenzhen will be notified with more details via email. Once the new date for the Shenzhen event is confirmed, ICASSP 2022 will announce it via email, Twitter, Facebook, and WeChat Public Account. The registration system will be reopened again. The SDS WeChat account will also release the information on the latest arrangements of ICASSP 2022 in the first place.

The Organizing Committee sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience caused by the postponement of the conference, and truly appreciates your kind understanding and continuous support of ICASSP 2022!


活动预告 | IEEE声学、语音与信号处理国际会议ICASSP 2022将在港中大(深圳)设线下分会场,快来加入!

SDS学院简报 | 第一期 2021年冬季刊

活动回顾 | 学院圆桌派“探秘”香港中文大学(深圳)数据科学学院

