
Teachers' Remarks III|张伯瑜:努力提高自己的认知水平、创造能力、表达能力

CUHKSZMUS 香港中文大学深圳音乐学院 2024-03-15



For the "Teachers' Remarks III" interview series, we invited faculty members from various divisions of the School of Music, CUHK-Shenzhen. These are individuals with outstanding achievements and rich experiences in the music field, who not only engage in performance and guidance as their professional work but also serve as role models for students through their personal charm and musical talent. In the "Teachers' Remarks III" interview series, students will take on the role of interviewers, engaging in in-depth conversations with our faculties. Through their heartfelt words and wisdom, we hope to provide more enlightenment and guidance to the students, helping them navigate the vast ocean of music to find their own direction and goals.

In this issue, we invited ZHANG Boyu, Professor of Musicology at the School of Music, CUHK-Shenzhen. Let's listen to Prof. ZHANG's "remarks"!

张伯瑜 教授  Prof. ZHANG Boyu 



Strive to improve your cognitive level, creativity, and expression ability.

— ZHANG Boyu


University is a vibrant and wonderful time of life, where as young people, we must ensure we have two essentials: a healthy mind and a fit body. With these as our cornerstones, we should also strive to improve our cognitive level, creativity, and expression ability throughout our journey at this university. We should eagerly absorb knowledge, broaden our perspectives, and elevate our understanding, paving the way for a future filled with endless possibilities. By channeling our creativity, we can transform what we learn into something that benefits society and the public, thereby living up to the responsibilities and mission of our generation. Let’s collectively craft a rich and meaningful chapter in our university lives, leaving a lasting imprint on our youth.


In this issue of "Teacher's Remarks III", let's hear from Professor ZHANG Boyu from the Musicology Division and see what views he has on "Upon entering the campus, how should young people set sail on their vibrant university life, and what kind of responsibilities and roles will they carry?" In addition, Professor ZHANG introduces us to the "least popular" major in the School of Music — Musicology. He will discuss "What is Musicology?" and "What challenges does traditional Chinese music face in the modern era?" Let's find out together!





Professor of Musicology


张伯瑜,男,生于 1958 年,现任香港中文大学(深圳)音乐学院教授。1982入中央音乐学院音乐学系,获学士和硕士学位。1991年留学芬兰, 获博士学位。1998年8月回国任教。2000-2001年获福特基金会亚洲研究项目前往印度访学;2005-2006年获富布赖特基金前往美国Wesleyan大学访学。2002-2010年任中央音乐学院音乐学系主任,2014-2019年任中央音乐学院“非遗”保护研究中心主任。



ZHANG Boyu, male, born in 1958, is a tenured professor at the Musicology Division of the School of Music, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. He graduated from The Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM) and received his BA in 1987 and MA in 1989. From September 1991 to July 1998, he studied at Turku University in Finland and earned his Licentiate in 1995 and PhD in 1997. He returned to China in August 1998. From November 2000 to June 2001, he conducted research at Gandharva Mahavidyalaya in New Delhi under the Asian Fellowship of Ford Foundation. From August 2005 to July 2006, he visited Wesleyan University, USA, on a Fulbright Fellowship. He served as Chair of the Musicology Department (2002-2011) and was Director of the Intangible Cultural Protection and Research Centre (2014-2019) at CCOM.

His research and publishing projects have been granted by various state-level research funds including the Musicology Institute at CCOM (one of the Key Research Bases for Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education), The National Social Science Fund of China, China National Arts Fund, The National Science and Technology Support Project in the "12th Five Year Planning", National Publishing Foundation. He has authored three research books, co-authored six others, contributed to seven book chapters (one of which was published by Oxford University Press), edited seven books, and translated six books.

He was a member of the Academic Advisory Board of the Humanities Faculty of Helsinki University (2011-2014) and is currently the vice-Chairman of The Association of Traditional Music in China.

He was titled as a prominent academic staff (CCOM, 2014), "Career Achievement Award for Returned Overseas"(by six ministries, 2003), and received subsidies from the State Council. His publications received the Third Prize of "The Sixth Scientific Research Achievements in Higher Education"(Beijing Education Committee, 2005), the First Prize in the "Best Selections of Filial Piety Writings" organized by Youth Daily (2010), Prominent Research Achievement of the "Ninth Golden Bell Prize on Music Theory" by China Musicians Association (2013), the First Prize by Chinese University Publishers Union (2015), the Best Piece of "Woodpecker Cap" by China Literature and Arts Critics Association (2016), Second Prize of the "Prominent Scientific Research Achievements" by Ministry of Education (2019). He was selected as "one of the best theorists and critics of Chinese music" by China Nationalities Orchestra Society (2020).






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